Armenia’s Deep Tech Dream

Armenia’s Deep Tech Dream

Geography has not been very kind to Armenia. Stuck in the Caucasus Mountains between Eastern Europe and West Asia, this country has scarce natural resources and no access to seas. It is not crossed by international trade routes, and many of its borders are closed due to conflicts with some of its neighbors. Yet, brilliant intellectual traditions, top-notch scientific research, and technological achievements have also come to fruition in Armenia

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Armenia’s Deep Tech Dream

Central Asia: A New Frontier on the Global Tech Map

A dozen time zones away from the United States; about 5,000 km from London or Tokyo; neighboring with Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and China — to many, Central Asia may seem like one of the most remote places to do business with. Yet three decades after emerging from the ruins of the USSR, some countries in the region are eager to assert themselves on the global tech map — and the transformations they are now witnessing could put them on the right track.

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Armenia’s Deep Tech Dream

The Eastern European Paradox: How a Troubled Region Generates Unicorns and Decacorns

A dozen time zones away from the United States; about 5,000 km from London or Tokyo; neighboring with Russia, Iran, Afghanistan and China — to many, Central Asia may seem like one of the most remote places to do business with. Yet three decades after emerging from the ruins of the USSR, some countries in the region are eager to assert themselves on the global tech map — and the transformations they are now witnessing could put them on the right track.

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